Kidzstuff is now Kidzsale
Same Great Event!
Same great people!
same amazing deals!
For over 5 years, our Hoosier community has come together to pass on toys and clothes. Let’s make this the best year yet!
Shopper Details
- Cash and credit accepted
- All Sales FINAL
- We will have bags for your purchases but feel free to bring reusable bags if you would like to be green!
- Wagons and Strollers are welcome
- Children are welcome, they MUST stay with you at all times
- Children cannot play with the toys, they belong to the consignors
- Everything is sold as is, please make sure to check your items before you purchase. We do check items but things can slip past us sometimes.
- For Large Item purchase, please detach the lower portion of the hang tag (the part with the bar code). Take this portion with you to check out. After you pay we have a convenient pull up door for large item pick up. This way you have free hands to shop! No hauling huge items with you 🙂
Buying gently used clothes, toys, books, and more for your kids is budget friendly, helps your neighbors, is more sustainable, and keeps more of what we earn in the local economy! Come see what a children’s consignment sale is all about!
Volunteering is a lot of fun and a great way to make friends and ensure the continued success of our sale. It also means you earn more cash each item you sell!
Our kids are constantly aging out of things, and selling what they no longer need is a great way to fund up-sizing to what they do! A children’s consignment sale is better than a garage sale because it brings all the sellers and shoppers to one place, and takes way less work while selling more. Plus you get early access to shop!